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The Story of    


On April 9th, 1927, my grandmother was born. As a woman of the 1920’s, she has the best stories, mostly of the countless men who would ask her to dance during her weekly visit to the dance hall... to which she usually turned down.

In fact, according to her, my grandfather had to ask her on a date 3 separate occasions, until she finally agreed. Talk about some confidence...


Apart from being a bad-ass, my grandmother is the only person I know who can put on bright red, pink, or coral lipstick without so much as a glance in the mirror.

When I asked her why she does it without looking, she responded “who am I trying to impress?”

That is what we like to call the no-mirror confidence.

For anyone, for any occasion, for anywhere.

1927 aspires to inspire your no-mirror confidence within.

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